here's the man known to me from videos I've seen (some) before internet when we went to a video store praying they had a super adult area of store & Mad. Mikes from my town in Connecticut had a huge inventory...I feel in love with the dude on this video eons ago. he was doing hetero then I known him as Mark his last name ? slade I don't really know and it could be his stage name..but what ever it is he was a beautiful handsome very muscular hunk back when through V.H.S. tapes I first met him over the years I've seen him in gay films two he is gorgeous (I happen to be a fruit-gay) since his long porn star history many vids have him in gay porn makes no difference he still is super hot any one lucky enough to be his co-star be used by him whether in movies (on film) or private life have to consider they have won a lottery ! he is a lot older now an I have seen him in more films he is like wine he's aging to perfection still hot & gorgeous